• Always conduct myself to the highest levels of ethics, integrity, accountability and responsibility.
• Treat all clients and potential clients with absolute dignity, confidentiality and respect as free and equal individuals.
• Create an agreement/contract regarding roles, responsibilities and rights of all parties involved with clients prior to the commencement of any services.
• Maintain the good reputation of the coaching profession in general.
• Comply with both the spirit and the letter of any commercial agreements made with clients, potential clients, and professional colleagues.
• Make commercial agreements with clients and potential clients that are fair and will respect all parties to such agreements.
• Only barter for services, goods or other non-monetary remuneration when it will not impair the coaching relationship.
• Not knowingly take any personal, professional or monetary advantage or benefit of the coach-client relationship, except by a form of compensation as agreed in the agreement or contract.
• Keep appropriate and accurate records of my work with clients and ensure they will remain confidential, are stored securely and comply with GDPR requirements.
• Maintain professional boundaries with all of my current clients and/or sponsors.
• Have professional indemnity insurance adequate to cover my coaching and/or coaching supervision practice.
• Represent true levels of status, title, competence and experience in order not to mislead, misrepresent or defraud.
• Clearly state to clients and potential clients the terms of any commercial agreement including the expectations of both parties.
• Be aware of and actively manage any power or status difference between the client and coach that may be caused by cultural, relational, psychological, or contextual issues.
• Disclose to my clients the potential receipt of compensation, and other benefits I may receive for referring my clients to third parties.
• Assure consistent quality of coaching regardless of the amount or form of agreed compensation in any relationship.
• Make no claims or implications of outcomes that cannot be demonstrated or guaranteed.
• Monitor the quality of my work through feedback from clients and other appropriate professionals.
• Obtain written permission from any client or potential client before releasing their names as referees.
• Have qualifications, skills and experience appropriate to the needs of my client. If not refer my client to those who do, such as more experienced coaches, coaching supervisors, counsellors, mentors, or other specialist services.
• Respect the absolute rights of the client’s confidentiality except as expressly permitted by the client or potential client in writing or as required by law.
• Avoid all conflicts of interest and give notice of such potential conflicts.
• Refrain from offering professional information or advice that I know to be confidential, misleading or where the accuracy is beyond your competence to assess.
• Endeavour to enhance public understanding and acceptance of professional coaching.
• Hold responsibility for being aware of and setting clear, appropriate, and culturally sensitive boundaries that govern interactions, physical or otherwise.
• Not participate in any sexual or romantic engagement with client(s) or sponsor(s). The coach will be ever mindful of the level of intimacy appropriate for the relationship. I will take the appropriate action to address the issue or cancel the engagement.
• Be fit and healthy enough to practice. If not, the coach should stop until they are, and, if necessary, their clients should be offered alternative support.
• Continually develop professionally in both the theory and practice of coaching.
• Respect all copyrights, agreements, work, intellectual property and trademarks and comply with all laws covering such areas.
• Avoid coaching minors (people who have not yet had their 18th birthday) without the express written consent of parent, guardian or teacher as appropriate.
• Respect the client’s right to terminate the coaching relationship at any point during the process, subject to the provisions of the agreement or contract. The coach will be alert to indications that the client is no longer benefiting from their coaching relationship.
• Comply with all laws and by-laws of the UK and, if coaching clients based abroad, with the laws of the clients’ country.
• Ensure that all advertisements and promotional materials, whether verbal or written, are legal, decent, truthful, honest and in compliance with the requirements of the UK Advertising Standards Authority.
• Make a copy of this Code freely available to clients if they request it.